I've been hiding in the office, writing. In two weeks, the final manuscript for The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Careers is due. I'm moving through the chapters, making progress and feeling good about having the book done on schedule.
Once the book is done, I'm going to focus my attention to promoting The Green Year. It's coming out in December so it's time to start promoting the website, sending tip sheets and press releases to editors and letting writers know that I'm available for interviews on green living. In fact, I'm being interviewed next week for an article for a major
green magazine (stay tuned for details) that'll publish the same month The Green Year comes out.

Last week, I had head shots done for the book. I was dreading the process and felt a little awkward posing for pictures, especially knowing the picture was going to end up on bookstore shelves. I had a great photographer and a friend for moral support and it went much better than I expected. Here's the shot I chose:
I'll be spending most of the next few weeks writing The Complete Idiot's Guide and finishing a corporate project that I've been working on for the past two months. After that, I'm taking a short break. I need some time to pick up the piles of papers and research notes I've spread out all over the office and get the rest of the house in order. I also want to take time to make a plan for the last few months of 2008.
Writing two books this year has made me realize a) it's possible to write two books in a year; and b) I miss magazine writing. I miss the challenge of coming up with ideas, researching markets, sending out queries and the back-and-forth with editors once an assignment has been made. The part of me that has a touch of ADD also misses moving from one topic to the next. This fall, I'm focusing solely on writing for magazines - and teaching classes and promoting The Green Year. Did I mention I have a touch of ADD? I'm also going to try to post more often...