Thursday, June 5, 2008

Working Remotely - Sort Of

I left Charlotte a week ago with big plans to spend the next month working remotely. Now, just a week into my trip, I'm planning my return to the Queen City. 

It turns out that it's almost impossible (at least for me) to get anything done when I'm not in my own office. I've never been one of those writers who can compose a query in a coffee shop or craft an article in a bookstore. I need to work from home, sitting at my desk, surrounded by my files. I'm thinking a lot about work but getting nothing done. To complicate matters, I'm having technical issues with my new computer. So, I'm heading back to Charlotte next week -- 10 days earlier than planned.
Why the rush to get home? I JUST SIGNED ANOTHER BOOK CONTRACT! I'm writing the Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Careers for Alpha. It's scheduled for publication in Spring 2009.

Here's the back story: Several weeks ago, my agent contacted me about a project she was scouting for. She was looking for a writer and since we worked together on The Green Year, she thought I'd be interested in another green title. In my past life, I was a career counselor, so this book was a perfect fit. I'm working with an expert, Barbara Parks, a career coach who specializes in helping clients find jobs in eco-friendly fields. Just like The Green Year, the deadline is tight. I'll be spending the next few months writing furiously to get the book finished.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Colorado for the Magazine Conference in Boulder. I've been preparing the curriculum for the classes I'm teaching. One of the classes is FIVE HOURS long so it's taken a bit of planning to create an outline. I've heard amazing things about the conference so I'm really looking forward to presenting.

The biggest news (although it's not work-related, I can't resist sharing) is the arrival of my niece: Charlotte Elizabeth was born at 8:50 p.m. on May 31. She was 7 lbs 5 oz and has a full head of 
black hair. She's the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen.

I've spent the past few days snuggling with her and marveling at how tiny she is. I'm so grateful that I was able to be there when she was born.


1 comment:

smoky scout said...

Hi - I was trolling online and I remembered your blog - congratulations on becoming an Aunt Jodi! Hope everything is going well for your sis and her hubby and baby too. Also congratulations on your second book deal. Looks like you will be very busy!
