Monday, March 10, 2008

She Shoots, She Scores!

I scored my first broomball goal last night. Sadly, I scored on my own team. Instead of basking in the glory of FINALLY getting a goal, I had to apologize to my teammates for my lack of stick-handling skills.

I started playing broomball last summer and I'm easily the worst player in the league. I was offside for most of the first season, frequently forgot whether I was playing offense or defense and even received off-the-ice instruction on stick handling from opposing team members. Still, I show up every Sunday afternoon, change into my gear and head out on the ice. I play hard and I get a little better every week.

Broomball is a lot like writing: Sometimes I'm excited about it, I feel great about my skills and love working with my team. Other times, it takes all of my energy just to get out there and play.

My life has been consumed by work for the past three months. I've been working 12-14 hours per day from Monday to Friday and putting in several hours over the weekend. I'm working on a lot of great projects, including the book. Most days, sheer excitement about my work is enough to make me jump out of bed and go to work. Last week, exhaustion took over. I struggled to focus on my work; I drank too much caffeine and exercised too little. Now, it's Monday morning and I'm determined to get back on track. Here's to the start of a very productive week...

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