Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy Holidays!

December 17, 2003, 3:11 p.m.
For the past few weeks I have spent a great deal of time sipping tea, writing in my journal, eating far too many holiday treats and doing far too little work.
I have spent an inordinate amount of time and energy tracking down addresses to send holiday cards, cruising the mall for the perfect gifts, racing out to the store at 10 p.m. for tape and standing in line at the post office hoping that the cost of shipping gifts to our families in Canada doesn’t equal the GDP of a small country.
Aside from holiday tasks, most of this month has been spent preparing for 2004: I have been sending out queries, preparing course outlines and handouts for classes I’ll be teaching, following up with editors on outstanding payments and collecting receipts in preparation for filing our taxes.
In just two short days I will be taking a two-week sabbatical. When I turn the computer off on Friday afternoon, I will have two full weeks to do nothing but eat, sleep and read.
Two weeks of relaxation does sound wonderful, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to pull it off. I’ll probably still check my e-mail a few dozen times (just in case there is an editor working through the holidays that needs me), write an article or two (just for fun, of course) and make to-do lists on tiny sticky notes (even if they say, “eat leftover turkey,” having a list makes me feel more productive).
Whether you’re working through the holidays, spending time soaking up the sun or indulging in a few too many rum and eggnogs, I hope you have a happy holiday!

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