Saturday, December 8, 2007

This Inspirational Moment Brought to You by Jodi Helmer

May 05, 2005, 12:39 p.m.
Most of the time, I love freelancing. But there are times when rejections flood my inbox, sources do not return my calls and there are no checks in my mailbox (again) that make me wonder if all of the ups-and-downs are worth it just to work from home in my pajamas.
To survive those days I have taped this quote to my computer monitor:
“Sometimes it’s enough simply to try hard. Sometimes our skill is perseverance. Sometimes the simple act of not giving up is both a skill and a virtue. We can be good at trying and if we are we need to honor our effort.” (Stress Free for Good: 10 Scientifically-Proven Life Skills for Health and Happiness)
Instead of giving up and hiding under the covers with a cup of tea and the remote, I am reminded that the effort that I put into freelancing is directly related to what I get out of it. Sending out queries is much more productive than watching soap operas and if my ideas are rejected, I can still give myself a gold star for effort.

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