Saturday, June 28, 2008

Trying to Focus

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm supposed to be working. I've been to the farmers market, cleaned the bathroom, finished two loads of laundry and scrubbed the kitchen. I haven't written a single word. 

I have two articles due on Wednesday, a huge corporate project due on Thursday and I have to write two chapters per week in order to meet the deadline for the Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Careers. I need to be working. For some reason, I can't focus. 

One of the biggest difficulties I have as a freelancer is forcing myself to write. Sometimes, the words flow easily: I sit at the computer, start typing and can write 4,000 words effortlessly but other days, it seems impossible to write 40 words. I can only stare at a blank computer screen for so long before I have to take the dogs for a walk, search the cupboards (again) for a snack or call a friend/freelancer to see if she's doing the same thing. 

The fact that I sometimes struggle to put words on paper is one of the reasons I work odd hours. I have to write when the mood strikes. So, I take part of the afternoon off to recharge my batteries. I work late at night. I spend Saturday afternoons in front of the computer. After years of trying to squeeze inspiration into a 9-to-5 schedule, I've FINALLY learned to write when I feel like writing. Of course, it doesn't always work. Deadlines often necessitate working a regular eight-hour day (or an irregular 15-hour day). Even though it's not always easy to find the right words, I love the challenge.

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